Tuesday 16 August 2016

Congratulations Mr. Edgar C. Lungu!

 "It's a challenge you have put upon me to bring One Zambia, One Nation," Said President-elect, Mr. Edgar C. Lungu "We should be the last people to put a knife on Zambia"
As Mr. Lungu produced these words at the thanksgiving rally at Woodlands stadium in Lusaka today, a few memories with my former neighbor were triggered.

 I first knew Edgar Lungu in 2003 after we moved to our current residence on Plot # 424/22, Jack Compund in Lusaka South.

His farm has flats were some friends were renting hence we could visit and spend some time with them. Little did we know that the landlord I knew would later be republican president in 2015 and be re-elected in 2016.

I learned of his political involvement in 2006 when late President Michael Sata was addressing a rally at Chawama Primary School Grounds were he was interpreting the message from English to Bemba. His energy and charisma in the local language spiced up the rally that put Chawama on a standstill.

 In my eleventh grade I started conducting Behavioral Change Motivational Shows and Talks for youths at Lusaka City Council Office in Jack. The aim was to inspire and offer career guidance to pupils and school leavers.

 One day I sat to plan for the next activity. To make my effort more effective, I decided to invite a professional to talk to the participants-at least for a change. I searched my contacts and the best person I could settle on was a lawyer few meters away from home. Thus I took a step to his house.

 I found Auntie Lungu (Mrs. Esther Lungu) preparing to go to the shop. She explained that her husband was too busy that period thus it was somewhat impossible to make it for the event that week. I became busy with school and the next time I met Mr. Lungu in Jack, he had since been elevated to the position of Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President besides being Member of Parliament for Chawama Constituency.

 I left Lusaka for Goborone in December 2011 and the time I was coming back in 2012 the man had gained ground in the PF Government.

 I know him to have a like for his area, Jack Compound. One day as I walked home, a day after the Mr. Lungu had just stopped acting as republican president at the return of late President Sata, I met him in Jack Compund were he made an impromptu stopover at a house greting people.

 I know him to be amazing and his work culture is worth emulating.

 He planted trees at Jack Round About and supported funerals in the area those days. I saw him drive his green Rav4 and sometimes driven by his wife and friend Esther Lungu.

 Congratulations president-elect, Mr. Edgar C. LUNGU! God bless you, God bless Zambia!