Monday 10 October 2016

....Young Journalist on the move

...She had just reached the pick of her childhood dream of being a journalist. People had already made her a household name as a regular reporter at a local TV station in the capital of Zambia.

Rising to the apex of the profession requires a lot of effort which in turn calls for training in the field of choice. So, to spice up her talent, she had studied Mass Communication in a country within Southern Africa. Other dreams were awakened after completing her first degree. Thus, she proceeded to study Criminal Law in another country to give her an edge on the competitive job market. Due to good interpersonal communication, she won a number of people around her.

A young talented and vibrant journalist she was. Full of hopes and wishes to get somewhere.
One day, she woke up in the morning like any other day. This time with a few days standing program that would take her to the Southern part of the country. Oh! It was a great assignment. So she left her two boys to report for work on that day.

Planning was the order of the day. Seizing opportunities was a daily enterprise just like any other big thinker striving to dig out gold. As she proceeded in her profession she discovered that her environment had more to offer for a hardworking journalist. She defined her job as the process of gathering, writing, processing and disseminating information to various and diverse audiences. So she knew how best to maneuver and make the difference.

She knew she would soon be a candidate for awards.

She left her house for a scheduled assignment. Upon arrival, she immediately got to work...filming, interviews, writing...

The following day she was to join German Dentists who were slated to attend to rural communities with dental challenges. So they took off.

Like any other assignment it was well with her. But this time around a different turn would occur in her life-the deadline of life! The evaluation would occur on the other side of life beyond the grave.
The Toyota Prado they were travelling on was fit. Fit to run all errands. The German driver was reported fit and qualified to drive to their destination. However, the time came.

“Life is a journey- it starts at birth, pose at death and continues in eternity.” Its birth is usually prepared for and anticipated but at death, less is known. So many are the ushered into eternity unprepared.

The story goes ...An oncoming Construction vehicle on the opposite side was destined for its own place. So, it was recorded that the Prado that carried the three German nationals (two dentist and a driver) and a Zambian Journalist drove them to their fate.

With all the plans to serve humanity in their head.... they drove past hills on a stretch that would lead to the health Center were women, men and children waited on the other side to receive treatment…
Unfortunately, they were no where to be seen.

So the journey of life can be cut off anywhere? Yes. And so it was. Muyumbwe was the spot were an oncoming construction vehicle rammed into the Prado to be remembered as the death point of three German nationals and a vibrant young journalist. The end it was! So painful to hear.

So I went into the Booth to do a voice over. Not of a political story, a business item, court issue or community diary. The death of a friend....close colleague indeed.

"God forms man, sin deforms him, the school informs him but only CHRIST can transform him"
...It is transformation that translates us to enjoy the best from God.

Realize your sinful state,
Confess all your sins...
Repent from your sinful past and begin a close and intimate relationship with GOD.

Now is the time because no negotiation at death. So they died to pose and be ushered into eternity, prepared or not.

Andrew H. PHIRI, Saved by grace.