Monday 19 December 2016

My graduation

Speech by Andrew H. Phiri: Journalist and Communicator
On behalf of the graduating journalists and communicators during the 4th Graduation Ceremony of the
Zambia Institute of Mass Communication in Lusaka
All protocols observed.

Comerades, collegues and confidants,

The journey we started together was too long a time due to the insurmountable setbacks we met on the way.

Again, it was too short a time as we shared interesting moments together. We belonged to each other, faught each other's battles...that pushed us.

Our dream of becoming journalists was to be achieved and ZAMCOM happened to be that catalyst in transforming meager minds of mare wishful thinkers into mega minds of goal-getters. This has indeed been a worthwhile experience.

Parents and guardians, lecturers, management, ZAMCOM workforce and indeed family and friends you've absolutely been marvellous. The lecturers were absolutely amazing. They taught in love and sacrificed much of their time, talents and at times treasures in turbulent times of a student journalist in order to develop our knowledge base thereby broadening our horizon in today's competitive world.
In silence, we ponder on these good times and remember how good you've been to all of us.

I know time will not permit me to point out at all the remarkable efforts each one of you have graciously contributed. But, for sure, we know that your efforts have moulded us into journalists and communicators we are today.

ZAMCOM is like a bakery, with best bakers called lecturers and dough called students.
We the students tended to feel the heat like in an oven. We cried and shouted against the bakers time and again. Patiently you let us heat. Until today, we are finally out of the oven, put on the market for all to hear, see, smell, taste and feel the produce.

We appreciate for that.

ZAMCOM management under director Oliver Kanene, past and present staffs and a cadre of workers herein have simply been the best. We had a successful academic journey under your leadership. God bless you!

Our parents, guardians and supporters in all forms cannot go unnoticed. Your help in decision making in pursuing journalism has played a significant part in our journalism career. You carried us through with your love. When the going got tough financially, you panicked to fix it.

Your support is seven-fold: spiritual, physical and emotional and you didnt end at that. You went further to offer us social, professional, intellectual and financial support amounting to an wholesome well-being we've all enjoyed.

To the government and the populace,

JOURNALISM is key to our well-being as a country. At times like this when things are reportedly and seemingly tough, we need to create awareness to the general citizenry that it will be well with us. This also stresses the power of information and knowlege in today's society.

Therefore, hear the outcry of professionals in journalism and resolve to protect all journalists and preserve the integrity and importance of the profession.

Our job simply is to gather, analyse, process and disseminate information to large and diverse audiences. Meaning that we have the power to influence the world faster and better.

On the other hand is public relations:
The process of analysing trends, predicting their consequences, counselling leaders and helping in making informed decisions.

We call for creation of employment in the journalism field and communication in general. In addition, create an enabling environment for media and communication entrepreneurship. Zambia needs just that.

To my fellow graduands,
"The LEVEL of your INSPIRATION determines the METER of your ASPIRATION" W. F Kumuyi

In conclusion,
Like the great writer, thinker and phylosopher William Shakespeare
"All is well that ends well"

I thank you and God bless you all!

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