Monday 19 December 2016

Wedding Fanta

...I call it 'wedding fanta
I hear sounds that are so silent to many at wedding ceremonies
_Sounds produced by singles
"Delightsome singles" I mean
Surely, a wedding day is like the beginning of a journey taken by train
At the station, many people called singles say 'bye' and those with faith add 'see you' as the newly wed board the train.
As the newly wed enter the train, old couples are so welcoming....those inside already
This train is long enough, only that it requires a little bit of patience to see your door, point of entry...critical eye differentiate strokes for some it makes no difference
Buy your ticket over the counter via your knees, attentively confer, especially with the experienced "match maker"_GOD
Am told its the way to 'nuptial bliss"
For me its Fanta....

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